Hello all....its December 22,2009 and I just read a blog where someone said they spoke to God. People say they talk to god...I've been baptized catholic did the communion thing and confirmation. Ask me if I know what any of them besides baptism mean..I won't have an answer for you. But lately I've been attending church and just sitting in the back. Ever sinc ei was younger I always got a sense of calmness in church. And to be honest I don't know if it was the idea of faith that I had in the religion or just because of the scenery. I read when people say they talk to god...can that be mistaken with talking to yourself. I haven't been very spiritual ever. But now as I grow I have been exploring what I believe, what I feel, vibes and energies. I know that I can say I have a hard time believing in myself so how can I put faith in another. I can Also say I have always felt vibes but never acknowledged them until lately and they haven't let me down yet. I guess someone would call that my instincts or what not idk. As far as energies...I believe in positive energy..anything that puts a smile in my face, help me to believe in me and keeps me at peace. I think that why I actually sit in church. Not to talk to god but enjoy the peace an energy I feel inside there. Alot of people including me have been completely judgemental towards religion and what it has caused but I think it's the people who believe in it and not what the religion preaches. If everyone just had positive faith it would work....
December 23,2009 so I run n catch my train see the one empty seat In the car, I sit down and when I look up who do I see..The peace man again. Like this could probably be a coincidences but for where I am in life it seems more like a sign. Maybe he isn't meditating maybe he's sleep but even in sleep he looks at peace. It's so crazy lol..
December 24,2009 and only the darker skinned people are on there way to work..like WTF hahahah...I had to completely drag myself out of bed today..ayeeeeeee...
Today is December 27 the Sunday after Christmas. By the way merry xmas and happy holidays to all you know all that good shit. I'm not like the biggest fan of holidays because I don't know who's genuine about it n e more. People become like automatically friendly and wish u all types of happiness and then u guys don't speak tomorrow. For me I enjoyed Xmas because of my family coming together ,the decorating of the Christmas tree the food..it was never really about the gifts. This year I lacked on Xmas spirit..I don't even know what that spirit feels like..seemed like I was just drinking and eating for the hell of it as usual. I didn't send out a mass text saying happy holidays cuz I just didn't feel like it. Just happy i saw all the people that are most important to me..whether i remember seeing them or not..whether it was for 3 hrs or 5 mins..I LOVE THEM and they made my xmas...
laters people...
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