Hola hoy es el 17 de Juno lol. Good Day everyone, so I'm here again. Today I'm writing because of another blog i read and a conversation. Usually my blog is about me and my journey and today might be more like a topic. But then again its a topic that sparked a 2 hour long discussion between me and someone else. There is always growth in an intellectual conversation..so therefore it is apart of my journey lol.
I just want to know why the hell is it a crime when a women can separate her emotions from her coochie. The minute she is able to have sex with more than one man without feeling emotions for one of them shes some type of "hoe" or "slut". Now let me explain where this thought came from. I read a blog of a woman asking was she wrong for being in a relationship and being able to cheat and not feel any type of remorse (let me say she wasn't cheating on homeboy all over the place it was with her ex from years ago and no that doesn't make it right lol ). All of the men that responded to her blog immediately called her a "hoe" and telling her she was the reason black men dated out of their race; that really pissed me off. Even most of the women responding were calling her even worse names than what the men were calling her. Like it really pissed me off so i responded explained to her that she prob had no remorse for 2 reasons. Number 1 being she was one of the lucky females in the world who had learned to separate her emotions from her coochie , and was able to think as sex with an insignificant as just sex and still completely love who she loved. Or reason Number 2 which was she was subconsciously telling herself she was not ready to be in a relationship. My first reason got plenty of responses and I to was called a cold hearted %!$#@ and asked how could i think that way and all that. I must begin by saying that yes cheating is wrong and all that but you can never control what your significant other does when they are not with you..that is the bottom line. You can only have faith. No i am not saying it makes it right but its the reality of it. If when you are with someone and they make you 100% happy when you two are together that is a golden treasure and cherish it, cuz god only knows what might be happening when you aren't there. But if you love someone its wrong if you know that person would be hurt by your actions if they found out. My comment wasn't condoning her cheating but giving her reasons for not having remorse.
My philosophy on emotional coochie separation really goes for single woman (although if your cheating it can be done). Women are emotional beings, some of us attach feelings to everything. Because of that reason alot of us have been heart broken by the guy who swindled you right before he piped and never spoke to you again afterwards. For me personally i will attach my emotions to sex when the person and i are already attached emotionally without the sex. For those of you who watch sex in the city (although i can find some of the stories from there completely unrealistic), its the Miranda way of thinking, and even her character was called a hoe by many, smh. If you bring 2 different man home in a week, and the old lady who is the nosey one on the block sees this she is thinking your a hoe. THIS IS 2010 PEOPLE, Men have stuck there pipes in and out of holes without giving a damn since B.C. Is it because they have been doing it longer its okay? In my conversation with someone they mentioned that they just had to come to terms with the fact that women now a days have more than "10 bodies under there belt". Like umm this is not lil house on the prairie anymore. Woman aren't getting married off anymore. We have choices and independence. If a women decides to date 3 dudes a time then that's her prerogative as long as she is keeping herself and whatever partner she chooses safe from all diseases and mistaken babies.
I just consider it as a control over your own situation, body and feelings and not putting the power in the hands of the person who is entering and exiting your body without thinking twice. I want women to take a lil bit more control of what is theirs. Yes we are emotional beings but before that we are humans..better yet mammals. One of the many reasons that separates us from all the other mammals are our emotions. Lets use our wonderful brains and know where to place those emotions and stop walking around bitter and broken hearted. WAKE UP..start enjoying sex for what it is..SEX!! When you find that person you love it wont be that anymore it will be love..it will be EUPHORIA.
I think i am done for now lol. Just wanted to share that for my woman out there who probably think the same way and are afraid to. At the end of the day whats most important is that in any situation you find yourself in you RESPECT YOURSELF and PUT YOURSELF FIRST in every sense and things will work themselves out the way they are supposed to...
I'm done lol : )....please feel free to spark up a convo here i wanna hear what people think..
Laterz Blogging world
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