HELLOOOOOOO, today is March 17th, 2009. I know i know, i have slacked completely. I haven't written a blog since wed..i know i suck for that, don't worry i had my nephew kick me in the leg real quick. I think i got a lil caught up with the whole new job thing, my friends coming home, my sisters bday and just plain old celebrating that i fell off track. But I'm back. lol
Ughhhh okay where do i start....
Umm okay lets begin with Thursday which was March 12th, 2009. I was Grateful for Helen Keller International Non profit Org for HIRING ME ! ! I GOT A JOB ! ! Although i spoke about the job I got the day i received it, i slept on it and i woke up feeling amazing. It isn't my dream job, it's not what i want to focus on eventually in my career as a social service worker but its a start. In my room on my wall i have a post it note from a college friend. They weren't going to see me before graduation so on the note they wrote "Congrats, they always said our kind cant make it and you have". I see it every morning when i get up because its right on my wall and on Thursday morning it made me really think deep and i became extremely proud of myself. I have been very fortunate in my life in many ways, I am a 22year old Latina who has graduated college and has no children. That's like amazing because i beat out so many statistics that didn't expect me to be where i am now, and that note reminded me of that.
Friday March 13th, 2009. It was a very relaxing day, and good one since i picked up my check from my temp agency lol. So that day i was grateful for 2 things. I was grateful for Axion which is my temp agency and for tyra banks episode that day. The axion thing is clear, like i got a check, who wouldn't be happy about that lol. But i spent alot of the day at home relaxing and really reflecting on the Tyra banks episode that was given the day before. It was soooooooooooooo gooodddd and if you know me you know her show bothers me alot of the time lol. But this episode was about teens in abusive relationships. The signs of abuse, what is abuse? what isn't? how to get help and so on. Like it was sooooo gooooood. And i know i spent a couple of blogs discussing my past relationship with number 2. And as much as i have dissected that part of my life and realized things, i have never said to myself or out loud that i was in an abusive relationship. And after watching Tyra, i was like i was in an abusive relationship in every shape and form, verbal, physical, mental all that. And i kinda knew that but didn't admit it to myself and i think that was the last thing i needed to do to really let it all go. Because the minute i said it to myself out loud all the hurt i felt waking up some randoms left, i felt literally felt it float away and it felt soo good. Everybody says the first step is admitting and realizing the problem, and i think i did the whole problem backwards lol but it worked for me. Like i knew there was a problem but i didn't name it till last Thursday and it worked lol.....
Saturday March 14th, 2009 was a pretty crazy day. It was my sisters bday and my grandmothers. My grandmother ,from my moms side, has Alzheimer's and we threw a party for the both of them. It was mainly to get everybody together again for my grandmother. Shes in the very late stages of her disease and honestly as hard as it is for me to say it, is in the last stages of her life. Shes been in and out the hospital and what not and its been hard definitely. During the party we decided to have picture time with her and it really bothered me. She doesn't remember anyone and was almost like afraid of all of us crowding around her trying to take pics. And i said something about it and my mom said to me that we have to do this now, that we needed this pics because she doesn't have alot of time left. And believe me i know she doesn't but to hear it outside my head hurt me. My grandmother raised me practically till like 10, how do you think i know Spanish lol. Although she doesn't remember us or me, i have never changed the view of her in my head. I talk to her all the same, like she knows what I'm talking about. Its been extremely difficult to be around her and go visit her knowing she wont know you, its almost like this person is deteriorating in front of your face. In my eyes she was the strongest woman ever, i love her, always will and always thought she would be here forever. I know that cant happen but i kinda want to not believe it. Like i spent 6 hours dedicating some ink on my side to my grandmother lol, I don't know what I'm going to do with myself when that day comes... Saturday March 14th, 2009 i was grateful for my loud family gatherings and my grandmother...
Sunday was March 15th, 2009. I woke up in shambles after the crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy night before. I was grateful for the S.P.B.M which stands for Sonia's Play Boy Mansion lmaooo. I am not even going to go into detail about what madness went on there but it was amazing and i had another great night of fun with the urban dance alliance lolol....
Monday was March 16th,2009 and i was exhausted. I didn't get to sleep much because my nephew was here and a men tee of mine came around lol. So i spent time mentoring the youth lol an enjoyed it...I was grateful for McDonald's chicken nuggets 8 )......
Today is Tuesday March 17th, 2009 and it was my FIRST DAY OF WORK.....well training lol but im getting paid so work dammit lol. And i went in at the crack with the positive attitude i was working on and open mind and it paid off. I learned more about what i will be doing on a daily basis and was actually offered extra hours doing some case manager work (which is exactly the Field i want some more experience in), so i left there supppppppppppppperrrrrrrr dupppperrrr excited. I'll be working with children and making sure their eyes and ears are healthy and keeping up with their parents to make sure they keep up with there children's appointments and what not. As i said at the beginning of this blog, its not the dream job but its a job ! ! And when she (supervisor) asked if i wanted to do some case manager work i was like AMAZING.. Things always find a way to work themselves in your favor if you can stay positive, open minded and grateful. Tuesday March 17th , 2009, I am grateful for opportunity ! !
For the readers:
Hey guys I'm sorry i slacked off for so long...i really apologize, cuz when I'm following other peoples blogs and don't get my daily dose i feel like I'm missing my fix lol.
Everyone really really focus on the things you have and never take anything or anyone for granted. I think that was my lesson for last week. Just really BE GRATEFUL for whats in front of you and in your life now because any minute it might be gone or it might be the message or catalyst leading you to an open door or a new beginning....
laterzzzzzz world
Great blog, of course because all of your blogs are great because you speak from your heart. What really caught my attention was the part about your grandmother. Wow, while I was reading it, I was picturing my grandmother instead of yours and it quickly brought tears to my eyes. I love my grandma to deathhh just like you do yours. But let me tell you, that you and your family are extremely strong to be dealing with such a situation like that, and dealing with it well. I wish you guys the best of luck!! Glad you enjoyed your weekend,
ReplyDeletekeep blogging and I will keep reading! :)