Hey there world ! !
Today is Tuesday February 24th and this is my first blog ! !
Im very excited and cant wait to embark on my blogger journey. I decided to take this chance today because of the current state of my life. I am a recent graduate from college and jobless lol. I am home everyday applying to jobs and sometimes volunteering but these things arent enough to keep me distracted from deeper issues ive never delt with. Being in this situation ive been able to really reflect about my life and started to realize some major issues. I also started counseling. So because i love writing in my journals, i just decided to make a bigger step and make my journals open to the world. As i've learned recently others have dealt with the issues i have dealt with my whole life and have become AMAZING people, so i am determined (with the assistance of counseling and blog writing) to become PHENOMENAL WOMEN....
I am open to responses and would actually love them, i think there the best way to learn and reflect so by all means..leave it... PEACE and LOVE ! !
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